Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Two Color Sea Strait of Gibraltar

Strait of Gibraltar, the names may be familiar in your ear. But did you know that the sea in the Strait of Gibraltar has two colors?

In the Qur'an, the sea two colors that have been described in Surah Ar-Rahman verses 19-22, and Al-Furqan verse 53.

"He let the two seas, converging together, between them is a barrier which they do not transgress respectively. Then which of the favors of Allah that ye deny. Of both pearls and marjan out. "(Surah Ar-Rahman (55): 19-22).

"And it is He who let the two seas that flow (side by side), which is fresh again fresh and the other salty and bitter, and He made between the two walls and boundaries that block." (Surat al-Furqan: 53)Let alone for the general public, academia was amazed made. Therefore, existence is full of wonders. How could the sea be found two different colors? But, that's a fact. After carefully looking at and reviewing information Koran, the scientists berhasiol revealed its existence, ie, in the Strait of Gibraltar that links between the Mediterranean Sea and the Atlantic Ocean and separates Spain and Morocco. Name Gibraltar comes from the Arabic Jabal Tariq Tariq, which means mountain. This name refers to the Muslim general Tariq ibn Ziyad who conquered Spain in 711.

In the Strait of Gibraltar that there is a meeting of two different types of ocean color. As there is the dividing line that separates the two. One part is rather dark blue and the other parts appear lighter.According to the marine experts such as William W. Hay, professor of Earth Sciences at the University of Colorado, Boulder, USA and Rosentiel former dean of the School of Marine and Atmospheric Science at the University of Miami, Florida USA, and Prof. Dorja Rao, a specialist in Marine Geology and lecturer in King Abdul-Aziz University, Jeddah, sea water is located in the Strait of Gibraltar has different characteristics, both of salinity, temperature and density of sea water.And as explained in surah Al-Furqan [25] paragraph 53, that one part of it feels fresh and fresh, while the other is salty and bitter. And between them, never intermingled (coalesce with each other), as if a thin wall that separates it.


Amazingly, it is bounded by the sea second dividing wall. Not in the form of thick walls, boundary is the sea water itself. The dividing wall between the two oceans move and called the front (jabhah) that separates the two forces. With the separator is any ocean maintains its characteristics to fit the living things (ecosystem) that live in that neighborhood.

In 1873 M/1283 H, scientists from the British research team, in a sea expedition Challenger, find the difference between sea water samples taken from various seas. From there, the man knows that sea conditions are different from one another, both in terms of salinity, temperature, density, and species of marine life.

Through hundreds of 'marine stations' are made, the scientists concluded that the differences in the character of the determination of one ocean to another. But they still question, why can not mix?It first appeared in the answer sheets of scientific books in 1942 AD / 1361 H. Thorough study of the characteristics of the oceans reveal the layers of water barrier that separates between oceans different, and serves to maintain the distinctive characteristics of each ocean in terms of levels of density, salinity, marine life, temperature, and the ability to dissolve oxygen.

After 1962 are known functions of the sea boundaries in the 'processing' cross the sea water flows from one sea to the other sea so the sea does not exceed one sea to another. Thus the oceans are not jumbled as any ocean preserve their characteristics and its borders because of these barriers. And because of the separation wall and the color difference anyway, the animals that live in the ocean colored blue and salty, can not live in sea water with fresh flavor. And vice versa. Subhanallah.

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