Spooky stories envelop Helltown village located in Boston, Ohio. Following the existence of empty houses that were released by the local government because the area will be a national park Cuyahoga Valley National Park.
Helltown village stood since 1806 and developed until 1974. But the city government plans to create a national park in this area. To realize the plan, a number of houses in the village bought the city government.
There are many legends and stories surrounding Helltown haunted. The most popular is a Boston area public cemetery located in the area. Local residents who claimed to have seen a lot of ghosts in that location.
There is also a bridge Boston Mills. A number of motorists who crossed the bridge often hear a child crying. Other haunted locations in Helltown Stanford Road is nicknamed the "road to hell" because it is the path of death due to derivatives sharp and steep hills.
In addition to ghost stories, this area is also believed to be the location often limited by a number of sects perform bizarre rituals. A number of residents who passed the area said they had tried to be stopped by a black hooded figure blocking the way.
Helltown also believed the hideout of the mental patient. They often explore the forest at night to look for victims.
Boston Mills Township
What is the name for a city. Hell City, (Boston Mills Township) Ohio definitely one of the worlds, legendary paranormal / supernatural most famous. This is also one of the oddest and most perplexing.
There are about seven paranormal legends in town hell. People say that the whole town was cursed. Is it all true? Here's the story:
Mutant City
Helltown area known as Mutant Town or Mutane Town. The city is rumored to be a sort of chemical spill or explosion factory. The government has attempted to cover up this fact. However, the record shows that there was never a chemical plant in the area. This plant seems to make Giant Serpent Peninsula. No one has ever seen a snake. If real, just a matter of time before it was discovered.
At the funeral, there, the ghost of a man sitting on the bench. The trees in the cemetery is said to move itself. Surprisingly, there are no benches in the cemetery and the tree looks normal. This, though that may be a time when this story is true.
Apparently, everyone in town satanic. People have reported that there has been a black mass in the church, but not everyone in the city of devil worship. Black Mass held in the church basement. Unfortunately for the church, there is a cross upside down everywhere. Cross upside down is a masterpiece of gothic revival architecture. Although they weren, meant to worship the devil, you would think that the church building would be caught.
Hearse Was Chasing You
This one is creepy. According to this legend, once you set foot in Helltown, you, is a target for the hearse. A hearse will try to catch you. If you pass through the existing road closed sign (which seems to be the entrance to Helltown) a man who lives near one of the signs will be out in a hearse and chase you. There is the truth of this story. A man bought a hearse for a short time as a Halloween decoration, but sold it soon thereafter. On the other hand, there are those who swear by it. They are pursued by it and then disappeared.
The End of The World
Perfect name for a dead end. Roads were badly damaged and is said to be suspected of a very steep hill. Keep going until you get you into the woods, where you can just go on foot. It is said that the road should be avoided at night. Owned roads and many fatal car accidents that have occurred on the road. It is claimed that the evil forces will try to take over your car and try to get accident victims. This story would make sense, because people have been pushing their cars on the road with a speed which is not safe and people have got into an accident because the accident-less driving. Perhaps demons are speeder.
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